Most Beautiful Photos Of General Raheel Shareef | Best Army General Photos | Latest Photos Of General Raheel Shareef

RAWALPINDI: Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif made it clear that the objective of National Action Plan (NAP) would be achieved at every cost. Speaking at the Defence Day ceremony on Sunday, General Sharif said that all state institutions must work sincerely in order to achieve the objectives of NAP. “I reiterate the firm resolve that we will not rest until financiers, abettors, facilitators, and sympathizers of terrorists meet their fate,” he said. The army chief called for the solution of Kashmir dispute. “Kashmir is an unfinished agenda of the partition of the Sub-Continent. India has subjected the people of Kashmir to worst atrocities over the last seven decades,” General Sharif noted. He said that the Kashmir dispute must be resolved according to the aspirations of Kashmiris and UN resolutions. “If enemy tried to impose short or prolonged war on us, it will have to pay unbearable price,” he said. He said Pakistan has been facing terrorism and unconventional war for last many years. He said operation Zarb-e-Azb was started at a time when the chaotic forces were challenging the state of Pakistan and law and order situation in the country was at its lowest ebb. He said the militants’ attack on Army Public School Peshawar was the worst example of brutality and tyranny. “The sacrifices of martyred students and patience of their parents gave a new energy to nation’s determination to fight the menace of terrorism,” he said, adding that all those who were involved in this incident have met their fate. Army Chief said armed forces and other security institutions through their sacrifices have established the writ and supremacy of the state. The COAS said that China Pakistan Economic Corridor was important not only for Pakistan, but for the whole region. Pakistan army would take every step for the completion of crucial corridor. He also commended Pakistani media for playing a key role in war against terrorism by exposing real face of terrorists

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